New Dietary guidelines simplified

by Dinethri Ramasundara
Did you know if current obesity rates continued, it’s estimated 83% of men and 75% of women over 20 years will be overweight by 2025 in Australia. As a solution to this growing problem the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) released new dietary guidelines based on the latest scientific research.

These guidelines apply to all healthy Australians of all backgrounds to help decide what foods and amounts we should be eating to improve our general health and wellbeing.

So what does these new guidelines say?

1.    To achieve and maintain healthy weight we should be physically active. Make sure you choose enough nutritious foods and drinks to meet your energy needs.

2.    Eat a variety of nutritious foods from 5 food groups daily.

Serve sizes vary with age and gender. In general include

dietery guidlines summary

3.    Limit foods containing

4.    Encourage, promote and support breastfeeding

Breast milk has all the nutrients that your bub needs to grow up perfectly healthy.  It is recommended that you breastfeed your baby for at least first 6 months. Studies have shown that breastfed babies are protected against obesity, infection and chronic diseases like diabetes in later life.


5.    Food safety is important; care, prepare and store food safely

Handling food safely prevents spreading of germs and diseases.  Here are some basic pointers to keep you safe from the nasties


Take home messages

¨     Plan your meals

¨     Prepare and store your food safely

¨     Include a variety of foods and drinks from all food groups

¨     Use fruits as snacks and desserts

¨     Choose low fat varieties for all dairy products

¨     Choose vegetables and fruits that are in season

¨     Be creative, try new ways of cooking such as steaming, grilling, baking, stir-frying


Make your plate colourful, drink plenty of water and keep active