
NDIS registered Dietitian and Nutritionist in Canberra


The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is now available in Canberra for people up to 65 years of age. Nutrisense is a registered provider under the NDIS, offering Dietitian and Nutritionist services in Canberra.
If you already have a NDIS plan, our NDIS registered Dietitians and Nutritionist in Canberra can work with you to improve your health, wellbeing and independence. Currently we work with clients who has self-managed or agency managed NDIS plans.
Our Accredited Practising Dietitians (NDIS registered) offer a person centred approach and tailor treatment to the individual’s needs, preferences and goals. The first appointment with one of our dietitians will involve a nutrition assessment, using appropriate assessment tools and management processes eg anthropometric assessment, growth parameters and will involve determining the client’s health priorities. This assessment is designed to diagnose and prepare a suitable treatment plan that will take into account the person’s age, abilities, co-morbidities, injuries (acute or rehab), budget and communication skills. As treatment continues the dietitian will continue to assess for interactions, side effects and impact of medications, food and thickeners commonly used by those with a disability.

Our dietitians are able to work with those living with intellectual impairment, behavioural disturbances and mental health co-morbidities and are able to assess the capacity and capability of the person and their carers to follow the dietetic recommendations. The Dietitian will adjust their communication and education strategies to accommodate each client’s needs.

If you would like to know more about how Nutrisense Dietitians can assist you or your loved ones please send an email to info@nutrisense.com.au

Finding and engaging NDIS providers:

The National Disability Insurance Agency has developed a number of resources to assist participants when choosing a provider or employing a support worker. It is important to choose the provider or providers which are right for you.

You can find more information on how to engage providers visit:



More about the NDIS

To find out if you can access the NDIS visit https://www.ndis.gov.au/people-disability/access-requirements.html. The NDIS will work with you to identify the supports you may need to live your life, taking into consideration your health
and wellbeing, independence, involvement in community, education and employment. This will involve meeting with a planner to discuss your needs and goals and to develop a plan. Please call 1800 800 110 for more information.